NASA will send a drone to Saturn's largest moon

NASA will send a drone to Saturn's largest moon For its next mission in our solar system, NASA plans to fly a drone copter to saturn's largest moon TITAN in search of building blocks of life. The dragonfly mission which will launch in 2026 and land in 2034 will send a rotorcraft to fly to dozens of locations across the icy moon which has a substantial atmosphere and is viewed by scientist as an equivalent of early-era earth. Why Saturn? It is the only celestial body besides our planet known to have liquid rivers, lakes and seas on its surface. Though these contain hydrocarbons like methane and ethane not water. This cutting-edge mission would have been unthinkable even just a few years ago but we are now ready for dragonflies amazing flight. What it will discover? NASA said the vehicle would have 8 routers and fly like a large drone. During its 2.7 year baseline mission, Dragonfly will explore diverse and environments from organic dunes to the floor of an impact cr...