The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2020 Winners: Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna

The Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry was shared by two women scientists Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier. They bagged Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry "for the development of a method for genome editing". The discovery of the sharpest tools CRISPR/Cas9 will make it easier to edit genes and may be used to cure inherited diseases. Why Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier awarded Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry? Emmanuelle Charpentier Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier awarded Nobel Prize 2020 for Chemistry for discovering genome editing sharpest tools "CRISPR/Cas9". Like Microsoft (MS) Word is used for writing and editing, similarly, CRISPR/Cas9 is used for adding, editing, and deleting the genomic code in living organisms. The full form of CRISPR is "Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats", they are parts of DNA that bacteria slit off from the viruses that once attacked them, similarly like MS word used to store diff...